Executive committee officers and members

Every executive committee needs a Chair, Treasurer and Secretary to operate effectively. Below you will find lots of helpful information and support material for each of these important roles.

Other things to remember are:

All adults on your executive committees are required to become members or associate members of the Scout Association. This enables volunteers with these important responsibilities to benefit from the resources, training, record of service, guidance, advice and support which comes with being a member.

Adults that hold a leader or commissioner appointment can not hold the offices of chair, secretary or treasurer.

No individual should hold more than one of the appointments of chair, secretary or treasurer of the same executive committee. Neither can these appointments be combined in anyway.

Group Chair

The Group Chair is an ex officio member of all councils, committees and sub-committees in the group.

The Group Chair is nominated by the Group Scout Leader and they must be able to work in partnership. 

The appointment of the group chair is approved by the group scout council at its annual general meeting.

The roles of chair may not be held by leaders, managers or supporters from the group as this could lead to any real or potential conflict of interest within the charity or directly related charities.  

Every effort should be made to find a group chair. Only in extreme circumstances may the group scout leader act as group chair for a short period.

This role involves:

  • chairing meetings of the group scout council and the group executive committee and to promote their effective communication and working
  • working closely with the group scout leader in encouraging the development of scouting in all sections of the group and as part of the community
  • ensuring that all members of the group executive committee are fully briefed on the requirements of their role
    maintaining effective communication with the district chair

Group Secretary

The group secretary and the group chair must be able to work in partnership.

The appointment of the group secretary is approved by the group scout council at its annual general meeting.

The roles of secretary may not be held by leaders, managers or supporters from the group as this could lead to any real or potential conflict of interest within the charity or directly related charities. 

This role involves:

  • To be secretary of the group scout council and the group executive committee
  • To work closely with and support the group chair
  • To provide sound administration in respect of obligations according to P.O.R., including inventories of group equipment
  • To ensure completion of the group annual census return
  • To maintain records and lists of members and associate members as required for the effective administration of the scout group
  • To ensure documents relating to the ownership of property and equipment and all other legal and official documents are kept in a safe and secure place, ensuring there is a full recovery of all files stored electronically
  • To maintain effective communication with the district secretary

The group secretary and the group chair must be able to work in partnership. 

The appointment of the group secretary is approved by the group scout council at its annual general meeting.

The roles of secretary may not be held by leaders, managers or supporters from the group as this could lead to any real or potential conflict of interest within the charity or directly related charities.  

Group Treasurer

The appointment of the group treasurer is approved by the group scout council at its annual general meeting.

The roles of treasurer may not be held by leaders, managers or supporters or combined with the role of group chair or group secretary from the group as this could lead to any real or potential conflict of interest within the charity or directly related charities.

This role involves:

  • To advise the group executive committee on all matters affecting financial control and expenditure and to draw up an annual budget for the group
  • To work closely with and support the group chair
  • To receive all monies on behalf of the scout group, to keep account of all funds and to pay out money upon authorisation as specified by the group executive committee
  • To ensure completion of the annual scout group accounts in accordance with the guidelines laid down by P.O.R. and the Charity Commission
  • To maintain effective communication with the District Treasurer

Executive Members

Executive Committee members contribute to the running of the scout group, by providing administrative support, strategic direction, compliance with relevant legislation and completion of the duties set out in The Scout Association’s Policy, Organisation and Rules.

This role involves:

  • be a full and active participant in Executive Committee meetings and activities
  • uphold the responsibilities of an Executive Committee as outlined in The Scout Association’s Policy, Organisation and Rules
  • Contribute to the strategic aims and future development of the group
  • understand their role and the role of others on the executive committee

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III