What Training do in need to do ?

Any members of Executive Committees in Scouting are required to undertake mandatory training within five months of starting the role. This ensures, as much as possible, that you understand your role, responsibilities and duties as a trustee.

All the training is accessed online through eLearning. If you cannot use online learning, please contact your Group Scout Leader or Local Training Manager who can support you with alternative access. After each piece of eLearning, you will be able to print out a certificate, which shows that you have covered the content shown and that you understand it. This certificate should then be sent to your Group Scout Leader or Local Training Manager who will record completion on your training page in Compass.

A total of five training modules are required

Module 1 – Essential information covers:
• The structure and organisation of Scouting
• Sources of information and support for members
• The Purpose, Values and Method of Scouting
• Some key facts about our history
Go to the Module 1 eLearning

Safety covers:
• The Safety policy of The Scout Association
• Our role in keeping adults and young people safe
Go to the Safety eLearning

Safeguarding covers:
• The Safeguarding policy of The Scout Association
• Our role in safeguarding young people
Go to the Safeguarding eLearning

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) covers:
• The rules around what information we may collect
• How we keep information
• How we dispose of information
Go to the online GDPR eLearning

Trustee Introduction covers:
• What an Executive Committee does
• Your role in managing a charity
• Your legal responsibilities as a trustee
Go to the Trustee Introduction eLearning

How long do I have to complete my training?

You should complete your mandatory training within 5 months of taking on a role.

Is my training complete once I have done this training?

Yes, but you are required to maintain your knowledge of two elements of Mandatory Training – Safety and Safeguarding. These are refreshed on a three year cycle to ensure that you remain up to date with current requirements and procedures.

Who can help you ?

Your Group Scout Leader (GSL) or District Explorer Scout Commissioner(DESC)  or Group / District / County Chair- Your GSL or DESC (if you are an Explorer Scout Leader) can validate your training modules.

Local Training Manager (LTM) – The LTM supports and provides guidance to the Scout District / Scout County.

Learning Hub

Everything that you need to know about your training is included in the Learners Hub on the County Website. It brings together resources on The Scouts website and local resources that we’ve created to support all learners. It has links to useful resources such as

  • On-line training
  • Information, documents and links to support your learning and help you with validation


HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III